Overcoming Sales Stages: Your Guide to Becoming a Natural Salesperson

Accepting and understanding your learning curve in sales is fundamental to achieving success in this profession. Sales, like any other skill, require time, practice, and constant evolution. Throughout this process, there are four levels of competence that salespeople go through, and understanding them will not only improve your performance but also help maintain motivation and confidence in your abilities.


The first level is "unconscious incompetence." Here, you’re likely not even aware of what you don't know. Maybe you've just started in sales, and while you're motivated, you haven't yet acquired the necessary skills. This is a time when many feel overwhelmed, but it’s also an opportunity to learn. Recognizing that there’s a path to follow is the first step toward growth and improvement.


The second level is "conscious incompetence." At this stage, you become aware of your limitations and what you need to learn. This is where careful reflection and practice play a crucial role. You begin to identify the areas where you need to improve, and with each experience, you refine your skills. It's a phase where you may feel frustrated, but it's essential to remember that this is a natural step in the learning curve. Every successful salesperson has gone through this level, and what will allow you to advance is your ability to learn from every interaction and situation.


The third level is "conscious competence." At this point, you’ve acquired the necessary skills and can use them successfully. However, you still need to think and plan each move. You're aware of what you're doing and why you're doing it. This is a level where many salespeople start seeing tangible results, but it's also a time when continuous reflection is vital for further advancement. Conscious competence requires a deliberate focus on refining techniques and adapting to different situations and clients.


Finally, we reach the fourth level: "unconscious competence." This is the level all salespeople aspire to. Here, selling becomes something natural, almost instinctive. You've internalized the skills and strategies to the point where you no longer need to think about every step; you just know what to do and how to do it. It’s the moment when talking about sales and closing deals becomes fluid, and your confidence in your abilities reaches its peak. But reaching this level doesn't mean that learning is over. Even in unconscious competence, there’s always room for improvement and adaptation, especially in a constantly changing sales environment.


Accepting your learning curve and understanding these levels of competence allows you to have a clear vision of your progress and what you need to keep growing. It’s not just about reaching level four; it’s about enjoying the journey, learning from every experience, and trusting that with time and practice, your skills will be perfected.


Understanding these levels helps you be more patient with yourself. Sometimes impatience and frustration can lead salespeople to give up before reaching their true potential. By accepting that mastery in sales is a gradual process, you can maintain motivation and confidence in yourself, knowing that every interaction, every mistake, and every success is bringing you one step closer to unconscious competence.


Sales aren't just a set of techniques learned overnight. It’s an art that is perfected with experience and reflection. With every conversation, presentation, and negotiation, you’re honing your skills and advancing along the learning curve. So, embrace this process, be patient, and trust that, with time, you’ll reach the level where selling becomes second nature.


Accepting and embracing your learning curve in sales is key to developing unconscious competence, where selling becomes natural and fluid. Don’t rush, enjoy the process, and remember that each stage is an opportunity to grow and improve. Patience, reflection, and practice will lead you to success.


Dionisio Melo

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